Indexing Puts a Spotlight on Backlinks to Reveal their Power
Any link that is created that leads back to your website or you add a new page to your website those items must be indexed. If your links are never indexed the search engines (Google) will never know that link exists and your website will not be given credit for that link. It is a pretty simple process of making sure your links are being indexed and there are several schools of thought regarding this subject. If you are actively creating links back to your website then wouldn’t you like to be given credit for those efforts? One school of thought on this subject is to wait for Google or the search engine spiders to find your link on their own time. Some links are crawled at a higher volume while other links are crawled so slowly and may never be found. Indexing a baclink is super fast and also easy so why would you wait a month or two or even longer to be given credit for your backlink building efforts?
Did you know that citations, a backlink to your websites with your name, address and phone number, are very popular to build for local rankings however they are also one of the hardest backlinks to index. Most of my clients that come to me often have 30% of their citations not indexed at all and they were built over a year ago. That means their website was never given credit and their efforts were wasted.
Now that we Know Indexing is Important…..
Indexing links is easier than you would think. One simple way to index a link directly into Google is to go to Google and type in: Google Submit URL. This will allow you to directly enter your URLS for indexing for Google. Search Engines use spiders or crawlers to index websites. You are limited to the amount of links you can enter into this tool and the great thing is you are able to enter your links directly from your search page. You are limited to about 20 links or less before Google will shut the tool down. If you have a large amount of links to index there are a large variety of tools on the market to help but you must test them out and see which ones actually get the job done. If you care to do well in Bing and Yahoo you will follow the same steps except you will go to Yahoo and Bing instead of Google. Once your website is collected and stored (indexed) the search engines store the information for fast retrieval.
Digging Deeper into Indexing
Indexing also refers to your actual website. Your website could have barriers that won’t allow the website or certain pages to be indexed. It is important to make sure your website is indexed and you can do that by going to Google and doing a search like this: by performing this search if you don’t see your website appear you have a problem with indexing. Indexing issues can result from barriers and your website was never indexed or your website was indexed and then for one reason or another you were given a penalty and the search engines decided to remove your website from the indexed search results. Either way you need to figure out what is causing the indexing issues so you can get the problem taken care of quickly.
Learn more about How to Find Reliable Austin SEO, Backlink Services, Content, Indexing, On Page Success