Ysais Digital Marketing

Top 2 Items Businesses Leave Off of Their Website

link servicesWe are in a digital world, and everything seems to be going in that direction. If your business has not embraced the new trends, then you are missing out on lots of great marketing opportunities. The online business world enjoys an immense global market from hundreds of thousands of internet users. Having a business website is, therefore, inevitable if you want to remain competitive in your business endeavors.

Creating a business website is now easier than ever before, thanks to CMS platforms like WordPress and other tools. You can have your site up and running in a matter of minutes. That sounds good, right? Remember, you are not just building a website, but you are creating a great-looking online platform that will help build your brand, generate leads, and ultimately drive conversions. That means your site should have the necessary elements to achieve this objective. Unfortunately, this is not always the case as most small businesses often forget to include important items on their websites. Listed below is some vital information that is often left off of websites but definitely should be included.  If you need help with any of the following be sure to let us know, Marie Yais Austin SEO Consultant.

1). Not putting phone contact on the website

There is a huge debate among business owners on whether they should put their contacts (phone numbers) on their websites or not. Those in favor of the idea say that having a point of contact increases their site’s trustworthiness and allows potential customers to talk one-on-one with support about a particular product or service. On the other hand, those against displaying contact numbers say that it can lead to lots of unnecessary calls!

Both arguments are valid but the benefits of having a contact number displayed outweigh the possible risks. Of course, you would not want to lose a potential customer to your competitor simply because you made it hectic for them to reach out to you. Give your potential customers an easy way of getting in touch-not only through a phone number, but also through emails or standard contact forms.

So, where should your contact information be displayed? Most small businesses often make the mistake of placing their phone contacts on the contact page. It is important to note that not every internet user has the patience to navigate through all pages on your site to reach the contact info page. It is, therefore, highly advisable that the phone number be placed on every page, preferably on the top right or top left.

2). Forgetting about trust elements like customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are website elements that help build trust on your landing page. Unfortunately, most small businesses often ignore adding this vital element to their sites. Honest reviews from others make your products and services more appealing to potential customers who are visiting the website.

As we all know, trust is not something you can build in a day. It is built up over a period of time and one way to do so is to show potential customers what others have said about your business. People love hearing stories or testimonials from real people to help them make informed buying decisions.