When developing an online marketing strategy your on page success factors are considered your foundation. In order for your marketing strategy to be successful your on page must be on point.
Choosing the Right Meta Title is Important
A meta title does a few things when it comes to your marketing strategy. The meta title is prominently displayed in the search engines and is often one of the reasons a person will choose to click on your website. The meta title can become a little confusing because we are not given a lot of space to tell the search engines the main topic of your website. The meta title is also very important to your rankings and so coming up with a meta title isn’t always easy. This is the space you have to place your most valuable keyword and the closer to the beginning of the title tag the more importance Google will place on this keyword. Make sure you pick a valuable keyword to go in this top spot but also at the end you want to place your brand name. Most websites will place your brand name at the end of every meta title and this is for a couple of reasons. The search engines love branding and it is always important to place your brand name so the potential customers can remember who you are and will be more comfortable with the services you have to offer. At the same time a bad meta title can wreck your keyword rankings. As you can see this is a delicate balance of many things and should never be thought of lightly.
Don’t Forget Meta Descriptions
Meta descriptions are equally as important and gives us a little more room to actually make an entire compelling message. The reason your potential clients will click on your link is usually because of your meta description combination with your meta title. In this area we have more room so we can be compelling and make the potential clients curious about your service or a need to learn more. In this area you can still focus on keywords but this section has decreased in value for the emphasis of ranking purposes so it is still important but in this area you will put more focus on converting your audience into clicking your URL so they can learn more about you by reading your website or landing on your website and deciding to call you. Don’t forget this is also the space that Google will bold a keyword that the searcher used to search for your service in your description. That alone helps pull their eye to your listing so choose your words carefully and with purpose.
As a side note Google has been known to change your meta descriptions at its will to make them more appealing to the searchers. This doesn’t actually change your website rather they make the change when they show your results and it can change at their whim at any time. Their goal is to serve up the most relevant content at all times.
Learn More About Structured Data
Structured data is purely for the search bots and often can not be seen by your customers. This is more of a markup code that we use to talk to the search engine bots directly. We can deliver information in the language of the search bots who you are, where you are located and exactly what services you provide. We can tell the search engine bots where to find you on Twitter and Facebook, your phone number and even a basic price structure. All of this information is very important and serving it up directly to the search bots is exactly what needs to happen. I prefer to write the code in JSON but it is possible to write the code in HTML. Structured data is a big topic and you can learn more here at Schema.org
Add Your Header Tags
Header tags are often talked about as H1 tags and often you will see a concentration on H1 tags – H5 tags. By using header tags we are able to tell the search engines what is important and in order of importance. You want to use your header tags wisely because theses do count towards your ranking factors. The search engines will look at header tags to get an overall view of your topic and this is a great place to focus on your keywords. You also want to use these header tags like a title for that section of the webpage. You don’t want to put an entire paragraph into a header tag thinking you will out rank your competitors. Using all of the tips in a well rounded marketing strategy is ideal but you don’t want to go overboard in any of the areas and appear spammy.
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